Do you use a phenomenal astronomy app for your observations, outreach or general use? Would you like to see it linked here?
Please feel free to share this information with us in the CONTACT portion of our website.
Moon Globe (for iPhone and iPad) - this outstanding application gives a detailed view of features on the lunar surface. An extensive database allows the user to access any information available on said features. This is fun to interact with but even more ideal for outreach purposes. FREE
Moon+ (for iPhone and iPad) - while basic in overall display, Moon+ provides comprehensive information on our lunar neighbor. The app details both current day moon rise and set along with phase, illumination distance and a forecast of past and future phases. $0.99
Mars Globe (for iPhone and iPad) - this outstanding application gives a detailed view of features on the martian surfaces. An extensive database allows the user to access any information available on said features. This is fun to interact with but even more ideal for outreach purposes. FREE
SkySafari Pro (for iPhone, iPad and Android devices) - this is one of the premier electronic observational tools for the amateur astronomer. Though nowhere near free, it offers substantial tools and key attributes including being the largest database of any astronomy app, accurate simulation from anywhere on the globe, telescope control through add on equipment and precision graphics. $39.99
Exoplanet (for iPhone and iPad) - a comprehensive database of known expolanets, this app features physical data on identified exoplanets, along with a detailed map displaying its location in the night sky and where it falls orbit wise in relation to its system's habitable zone. FREE
Ad Astra (for iPhone and iPad) - detailed sky maps based on all 88 constellations, providing stars (6 magnitudes) and NGC objects. A Sun & Moon feature exists providing rise and set times. The upgraded option increases sky map size and adds the ability to save objects to an observing list. Free w/ $1.99 upgrade option.